Monday 19 November 2012

On the Level

The traffic in the canal cleared out over night, and we left Thorold just before sunrise to head for Lock 8. Between Locks 7 and 8, there is a distance of about 14 miles. From Lock 7 to Port Robinson, there is only one way traffic. Above Port Robinson, the canal widens sufficiently to allow ships to pass each other, just.

This section of the Welland Canal between Port Robinson and Ramey's Bend, just before Lock 8, is known colloquially as "The Level". Traffic controllers advise ships when they will meet another ship 'on the Level'.

As a relatively smaller vessel, we tend to give Lakers more room when passing. However, if you alter too soon or give too much room, the other ship could have a tendency to stay in the center of the channel and crowd your ship over towards the bank. So, you want to make sure you maintain ownership of your half of the channel.

With another calm day, this meeting was a breeze.

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