Thursday 11 October 2012

Bill of Non-rights

Back in Montreal and enjoying the final few temperate weeks of weather for cycling before the snow and ice arrive.

As someone who doesn't own a car, I find it difficult to sympathize with the growing complaints about the high cost of gasoline that motorists are forced to pay in this city. While it is true that a goodly portion goes to the government coffers, it is also true that motorists can improve their overall cost of driving by moderating their behaviour.

Yet, it does not seem to matter how high the price of gas rises or what type of street is being used or how many stop signs/traffic lights/speed bumps are installed, the majority of motorists feel the need the accelerate as quickly as possible given the opportunity.

Studies have shown that motorists can improve fuel efficiency by up to 20% just by altering their gas consuming habits.

So, I am proposing a non-right to complain about gas prices for any motorist who continues to drive in this gluttonous manner.

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