Tuesday 11 September 2012

Ville de Quebec Cyclable

With the Grand Prix Cycliste de Quebec completed, we took time to see some of the city before heading back to Montreal. There are some bike paths and lanes throughout the city, but the most scenic is the path that follows the St. Lawrence.

We made our way to the southwest and joined the path near the Pierre Laporte bridge.

A pier juts out into the river called the 'Station des Cageux'. There is a lookout tower beside a small building housing a canteen, washrooms and sitting area.

The design for these structures won a Governor's General Medal for Architecture in 2010:


We followed the path to the northeast along the river, through the Lower Town and across the St. Charles river. A passing container ship on its way to Montreal is a common sight.

The silos along the St. Charles river provide a backdrop for the marina, but they also double as one of the most unusual projection screens around when Robert Lepage's 'Le Moulin a Images' is shown on it each night in the summer.

Our destination for the day was the Montmorency Falls in Beauport.

The ride from the St. Charles river to the falls is not as scenic as the portion between the Pierre Laporte bridge and Lower Town of Quebec, but the final view is worth it.

On your way to the falls, stop and say a prayer to the cycling angel who watches over all two-wheeled wanderers.

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