Sunday 13 July 2014

Next stop-Quebec

Our last full day onboard the ship started with picking up a pilot at Les Escoumins and transiting past the Saguenay River as the sun rose behind us.

We would get breakfast and lunch on the ship before we arrived at Quebec for our next and final port stop of the voyage. This was bringing me back full circle to the spot where I cycled a month earlier so it seemed appropriate that we should get our bikes out of the car deck and cycle around the city for the afternoon.

We cycled along the shore path out past the Coast Guard base towards the bridges. Sarah had a commission to do while in the city so we parted and then I carried on to Cap Rouge just on the other side of the bridge.

It felt good to be riding again after a couple of days on the water. We met up again and biked over to the Musee des Beaux Arts to take in an interesting exhibit about James Morrice and John Lyman and their connection to Henri Matisse.

Before we knew it, it was time to race back to the ship to get onboard again for the final leg of the voyage to Montreal. This is something they don't tell you about cruises; the stops in port are shorter than they suggest. We were supposed to have a six hour stop in Quebec but it took a half hour to dock the vessel and set up the gangway and then you have to be back onboard an hour before the ship sails so the six hour stop is actually only four and a half hours of real time ashore.

Anyway, we made it back and changed in time for our last supper as we headed under the bridges just west of Quebec. Then, it was another bit of music, which included some of the crew singing for our benefit before off to bed and an early arrival in Montreal harbour and the end of the journey.

Although it was a ship that took us home, we packed our bags onto our bikes on the dock and pedaled the last few kilometers through downtown and the Plateau to home. 

I am happy to be home and sleeping in my own bed after five weeks but I am already dreaming about the next trip with Surly. She was steady and true every inch of the way and I sense she will be a solid companion for the future.

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