Monday 18 November 2013

L'embarras du choix

Oh, there were lots of promises made by candidates at the Debat Velo during the Montreal Municipal election last month. 

Still, the enlightened Plateau Mont-Royal administration continues to shut the door on their network of bike paths on November 15th even when it is a separated lane such as Rachel Street.

I wonder, are cyclists expected not to use this resource because a date has been posted? Will police ticket them if they do?

Then, you have the situation on Clark Street where car owners gleefully re-take possession of their beloved asphalt that has been stolen by cyclists for 8 1/2 months of the year. It almost makes the coming of ice and snow worthwhile just to have full use of the road again.

Plus, the embarrassment of parking choices available in this transition period where cars park in both places at the same time. You can sense the giddiness in the air as the car is king mantle is firmly set on the transportation crown.

Perhaps someday the city will find the capacity to make bike infrastructure available year-round like, well, roads and sidewalks. Until such time, there should be some consistency in application. If cars are not required to install winter tires until December 15th, then bike paths should, as a minimum, be kept open until the same date.

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