Wednesday 12 June 2013

Keep calm and don't speed

Montreal is investing a lot of money to revamp many of its streets by widening sidewalks at intersections and other traffic calming measures such as speed bumps on residential streets.

As I was riding along the Lakeshore out to St. Anne de Bellevue, I was passed by several STM buses. The speed limit on this road is 30 km/hr and there are signs telling drivers to get onto the highway if they are in a hurry.

Now, I wasn't doing 30 km/hr; more like 20. But then most of the buses seemed to be moving at well in excess of the speed limit.

A thought occurred to me; if every bus in the city drove at or under the speed limit all the time it would 'calm' the traffic throughout the city without costing a single nickel to citizens.

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